American Movie Schools cost anywhere from $15,000 to $42,000 a year. When famous alum like George Lucas and Martin Scorsese went, the market was really different, and their programs did not cost even a portion of this amount. As a graduate of NYU Film, I discovered the tough method of the gross disconnect in between what is taught there, and how li… Read More

So what precisely is a film? Well a movie or movie is once again a story informed with moving images, for this reason the term movie uses to movies. This is achieved by recording photographic images with electronic cameras. The majority of us would have utilized an electronic camera to catch images in our life. It's the same thing. The only distinc… Read More

My very first introduction to film in school was throughout a film analysis class, although technically, it was classified as a viewpoint class. The professor was rather pompous and made a big deal out of talking about how to actively see a movie. No speaking was allowed, and we were to take notes while watching. He was a little like the Film Nazi.… Read More

Filmmaking is a distinctively specific career. Some directors separate themselves on set and communicate with the team just through their assistant director. Others may walk through the set each early morning and shake the hands of crewmembers while asking about their individual lives. Some cinematographers deal with the same video camera team for … Read More

A screenplay is a fundamental element of filmmaking; find out more about it by reading this short guideBefore delving right into the ins and outs of the best screenplays of 21st century movies, it is vital to know what a screenplay is. Basically, as professionals like Tim Parker would confirm, a screenplay describes the complete script of a movie, … Read More